
18 March 2009

Winter mornings


Laa~ The first drawing in my new blog. <3 Yay! I just wanted to do something 'cause i want to start using this site and abandon the old blog. Muah. I still haven't finished the drawing of my holiday in Germany but don't worry, it will be here sooner or later also.

Story behind this picture:
I've been waking up middle of the night very much lately 'cause of my blood sugars drop so low that I'm shaking and sweating like hell. Today I woke up 5:30 and I had to stand up and go eat something before I would've fainted. I looked out and the sun was rising and weather was absolutely beautiful. I was supposed to wake up anyway after some hours so I decided to go out for walk before I would leave to school. Well of course I waited while that my blood sugars would rise. I recently realized that there's a nice walk path near our dormitory and I've walked there some times now. Now when the sun was slowly rising over Tornio and I walked alone in the middle of trees while listening music, I felt that I have finally started living my life. Before I would've just turned on my computer and sat there 'till I would've had to go to school to sit at computer some more. It's great feeling when you're good to yourself. <3

16 March 2009

First post, yay!

Okay, so this is officially the first post here. I don't delete my old blog which you can still go look from here but I wont update it anymore. Well I haven't told there yet that I'm changing address but anyway. You wont see drawings there any longer. In this post there's not going to be drawings either 'cause I haven't yet finished latest one but soon I will torture your eyes here also. =)
Now for last, good day/evening/night/morning (whatever) for everyone, I've been lately happy so everyone else should also be. <3 Make love not war! =D